Minutes of the Forum of 9th February 2022 held in

College Hall, The Close at 7.30pm


Present: Rick Hill (Lay co-chair), Pat Maguire (Clergy co-chair), David Mason (Hon. Sec.)

Liz Ridler (Treasurer), Rob Strachan (Speaker)

Hugh Ashton Cathedral

Gaynor Baldwin Christmas Day Roger Baker Methodist

Michele Gerard Soc. of Friends

Ted Green St. Michael’s

Richard Henshaw Holy Cross

Ann Hill Wade Street

Rob Hilyer St. Giles

Brian Maguire Cathedral

Diana Pearson Methodist

Canon Gregory Platten Cathedral

Delphine Preece Wade Street

John Preece Wade Street

Lilas Rawling St. Chad’s

Norma Walford Wade Street

Roy Walford Wade Street


Apologies: Warren Bardsley, David Clarke, Roger Hartley, Brenda Liptrot


After opening prayers, Rob Strachan gave an interesting and challenging talk with the theme ‘Faith into Action’ – Rob is a serving Probation Service Officer, a Cabinet Member of Lichfield District Council, and also a member of Life Church. He spoke directly about how his faith affects his professional life as a Probation Officer and is a consideration in his work on Lichfield District Council.


1. The Minutes of the meeting of 11th October 2021 were agreed as a correct record.


2. Matters arising. i) Lichfield Christian Schools Work Trust. Two new trustees have come forward – Pat Maguire (PM) and David West-Mullen

ii) Night Shelter. Rick Hill (RiHi) reported that David Whittaker (DW) of LDC had approached CTiL; CTiL responded that LDC would have to employ the staff and find a venue. DW went on to explain that it was not LDC’s policy to have responsibility for a night shelter and that funding had been set aside so that no one had to be on the streets. RiHi observed that Dacorum Borough Council now had a couple of containers which it ran as a shelter.

iii) Bower Day 4th June. PM said that CTiL had volunteered to the Bower Committee that members would be stewards on the day.


3. Treasurer’s Report. Liz Ridler presented the accounts for CTiL from 1/1/21 to 31/12/21.


Compared with previous years, it had been comparatively quiet. Income was £1229 and general expenditure £707. £959 had been brought forward from Christmas Day Together, which was all spent. Of the money set aside for the Night Shelter (LENS), £2740 had been donated to Lichfield Cares, a local organisation with the charitable objective of assisting local residents, not financially. Of the general funds £2798.28 is carried forward into 2022. Around £1200 will be needed to be raised for Christmas Day Together.

Action: RH has agreed to apply to the Waitrose Community Funds


4. Events. i) Christmas Day Together. Gaynor Baldwin (GB) reported on what had happened at Christmas; unfortunately it had again been impossible to run the event in Wade Street although all the arrangements were in place for this to happen, including entertainment, a cooked meal etc. The deputy manager at Sainsbury’s in Cannock had been very helpful in providing the meals at short notice. In the end, over 65 boxed meals with gifts and crackers went out. She paid tribute to the helpers.

20 phone calls were made on the evening of Christmas Day in addition.

GB went on to say that perhaps in the summer there might be a BarBQ of other activity so that the ‘Together’ nature of an event can be enjoyed by those to whom this aspect of CDT was so important. GB is hoping that CDT will be able to take place this year; she is willing to coordinate it again. She thanked her main helper Carolyne Johnson.

RiHi paid tribute to GB and helpers and said that the legacy of Mary Harris was continuing. It was an example of faith in action.

ii) Late Night Listeners. On the weekend of the 17th and 18th December, teams of 4 or 5 went out on the Friday and Saturday nights. Previous clients were very pleased to see the teams out. It is the intention to get going again.

Action: RiHi will call a meeting to discern the future

iii) Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Lilas Rawling reported on the service held in St.Chad’s on 21st January, using the material from CTBI which had been put together by churches in the Middle East. It was well attended with many churches represented. Warren Bardsley preached and an offertory of £100 was forwarded to the Sabeel-Kairos Centre in Jerusalem.


5. Future events. i) Lent House Groups. PM reported that about 20 people had signed up for the Lent House Groups this year, so only 2 groups were being formed.

ii) Good Friday. Rob Hilyer was organising the Walk of Witness again, starting from Whittington and various people were willing to lead the worship stations. Gregory Platten said that the Cathedral was booked for the evening and that worship would be arranged.

iii) Easter Day. Rick and Ann Hill would arrange the pilgrimage around all the churches.

iv) Bower Day Saturday 4th June. Volunteers will be sought from CTiL


6. Any Other Business. i) RiHi reported as the volunteer organiser for Support Staffordshire, that there had been the Volunteer Fair at the Cathedral. Gregory Platten reported that there had been over 40 stalls and more than 200 visitors in 2 hours which had been a great surprise. The Cathedral ended up with new volunteers and RiHi reported 5 new possible mentors for the Schools Work Trust. It was suggested that churches might consider having a stall at the next one.

ii) PM mentioned that this would be RiHi’s last meeting as the family was moving to south of Birmingham. He was presented with a card and voucher as thanks for his tremendous service to CTiL over the last few years.


The meeting closed with prayers for Rob Strachan – for strength as a Probation Officer, for wisdom in decision taking as a councillor and for him and his family. All then said the Grace together.


The next meeting of Churches Together in Lichfield Forum would be the AGM on

Monday 20th June in College Hall.



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