Continuing support of Syrian families in advice/befriending inc. for example, fundraising for Food Festival stalls, advice re accommodation etc.

High-level support to two families from Afghanistan under ARAP scheme in provision and repair of household goods (eg soliciting toolboxes to value of £100 from Wickes); access to Foodbank; support in school liaison (inc. culturisation sessions in school and transfers to more accessible school), finding professional employment ; language development supplementary to ESOL programme; access to substantial health provision including pre- and post-natal care; form-filling; driving lessons; advice and signposting; opportunities for socialisation and integration into the host community; establishing Ukraine Action Group

Collection and redistribution of warm clothing to local people in need;

Financial support to 5+ Ukrainian families via the grant-making trustees’ group (to value of £1k+);

Provision of a full year’s accredited face-to-face ESOL for beginners/basics @ £600 per student for 8 students (identified as those in financial need and wanting to stay in the UK; plus supplementary free ESOL sessions to a number of Ukrainians, including one husband in Kyiv);

Fifty plus individual members making regular donations;

Partnerships with like-minded groups including Curborough Community Centre, Wade Street Church, OneLichfield, Lichfield Quakers, Lichfield Garrick Theatre (donors of £4k for Ukrainian ESOL provision), MOMO Drama School (donors of £400); Palace Singers, etc.

Support for local secondary school to gain ‘School of Sanctuary’ status;

Support of monthly OneLichfield get-togethers for families including refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Hong Kong;

Warm Welcome initiative November-March; weekly sessions for all-comers, in partnership with CCC, the Co-op Community Dividend and councillors’ donations from the community fund;

Partnerships developing with LDC, LCC (through a cross-party group of councillors) and BTC, SCC Officers, including practical advice from Lichfield councillors to families on accommodation issues;

Preliminary discussions with the LDC Economic Development Officer re provision of creative spaces for members of the refugee communities to showcase skills and potential;

LDC provision of free Leisure Passes to Syrian and Afghan refugee families, giving parity to Ukrainian refugees;

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Page last updated: Saturday 10th June 2023 8:51 PM
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